
Paul F Walsh


The inversion pandemic was truly terrifying.

Intelligent people became dumb while dumb people became intelligent.

Rich people became poor while poor people became rich.

But would the right-wing, conservative, capitalist government become a left-wing, progressive, socialist government?

That was the question on the minds of the dumb and intelligent alike as the Prime Minister rose to speak.

There was much speculation that politicians had developed a herd immunity to the inversion virus. Nevertheless, the government had built a virus-proof fence around the parliament, and the government had closed all state borders, including the state of denial.

The Prime Minister was bellowing gas like a defecating bull now. Perhaps the herd immunity rumour was true.

And then the Prime Minister suddenly spoke the truth.

And the entire nation gasped in shock!

The Prime Minister was clearly ill.

And the good news did not end there.

It seemed that people could become reinfected with the inversion virus: intelligent people who had become dumb could become intelligent again; and dumb people who had become intelligent could become dumb again; and rich people who had become poor could become rich again; and poor people who had become rich could become poor again; and people could be reinfected countless times; and so it would go on and on and on like the …

Well, like the Prime Minister, who was still bellowing gas as though bullshit was a vaccine.

Had the inversion virus jumped the virus-proof fence?

Was the border to the state of denial momentarily open?

Only an intelligent person could answer such dumb questions.

And only a dumb person could become that intelligent person.

So, there was hope for us all.

Unless there were intelligent people still among us.


Copyright Paul F Walsh 2020