Merlin Magic

Susan Harvey


I’m just so full of Merlin, and I want to write something about what she means to me.

Beautiful girl.

Yes, but she has a male name!

Well, when she turned up, she was wild and injured. We couldn’t get close enough to her to determine her sex and, since she kept appearing and disappearing, I called her Merlin.

She was an absolute mess. Her face and body were torn to pieces, much of her body fur missing, and she was clearly distressed.



We left food out in the hope that we could catch her. Euthanasia, sadly, seemed the obvious next step

Cats had been a part of our life for over twenty years at that time. We had been without a feline companion for about 2 years when Merlin ‘popped in’.

We put on open cat basket in our summerhouse with the hope that she would discover the food therein. The next morning, Paul found her IN the cat basket. He feared that he might be shredded by this wild beast. However, she jumped into his lap, and she started to purr. Loudly. Very loudly.

Click on the link below to hear Merlin’s unique purr – You could be enchanted!


That was the beginning of our love story with this beautiful creature who will forever be in my heart.

A trip to the vet turned out better than we expected. We brought her home, cared for her, loved her and she slowly healed. It was months before she ventured from our hard wooden floors to a more comfortable chair or bed.

She changed our life.

Several months later I sent this photo to the vet:



Merlin had a number of health issues across our ten years together, but, with the help of our vet, we muddled our way through each challenge as it arose. She even managed to recover from feline diabetes. Did you know that cats can completely recover from diabetes? I didn’t.

Even now, as her body has been placed in the ground, I feel her energy, her beauty. I know her so well. And she is very present to me, right now, right here. All her physical discomfort of the past few weeks, gone. All I can sense is her sublime beauty, grace and wonder. I am grateful. I can’t hold her, but she is oh, so present. Thank you, Merlin, for gracing my life with your precious self.


Ave atque vale, Merlin


Copyright Susan Harvey © 2022