Close Encounters



Paul F Walsh


Ignorance was walking down the street when he met Knowledge.

‘Don’t say a word!’ Ignorance warned. ‘You’re not mugging me again with all your elite talk!’

‘It’s raining,’ Knowledge observed. ‘Share my umbrella.’

‘NO!’ Ignorance roared. ‘Just shut up! I don’t want to listen to you!’

‘But you’ll get wet!’ Knowledge said.

‘I hate the sound of your VOICE!’ Ignorance shouted. ‘You elites are always talking and never listening to the likes of me.’

‘So, you’re saying NO to my VOICE to prove to me that you have a VOICE too?’

‘Now you’re getting it,’ Ignorance said.

‘Well, we can still share my umbrella,’ Knowledge advised.

‘NO,’ Ignorance roared, ‘Stuff your umbrella!’

And he smashed the umbrella of Knowledge into a thousand scattered fragments.

‘Now, we’re both getting wet,’ Knowledge observed.

‘Exactly,’ Ignorance boasted. ‘Now, we’re all equal. None of your divisive shit here in my Australia, mate!’


                                                                                                                                    Copyright Paul F Walsh 2023