Close Encounters



Paul F Walsh

Ignorance was walking down the street when he met Knowledge.

‘How will you vote in the referendum?’ Knowledge asked.

‘What referendum?’ Ignorance replied.

‘The referendum to recognise Aboriginal people in the Constitution by granting them a VOICE,’ Knowledge explained.

‘Do we have a constitution?’ Ignorance asked.

‘YES,’ Knowledge explained. ‘And if you believe in the Fair Go you’ll vote YES.’

‘I don’t know about an Aboriginal VOICE, mate,’ Ignorance said. ‘I’m confused, what’s the VOICE of Ignorance saying about it? I mean, Ignorance has made Australia great! Ignorance built this country, mate.’

‘Well, you tell me,’ Knowledge invited.

‘I’m saying and voting YES!’ Ignorance declared.

‘That makes you me!’ Knowledge acknowledged.

‘I always knew I’d retire,’ Ignorance said. ‘And this referendum day, I’m voting like SUPERman. An informed vote, as full of Knowledge as a forty-acre college, mate.’



                                                                                                                                    Copyright Paul F Walsh 2023