Close Encounters



Paul F Walsh


Ignorance was walking down the street when he met Knowledge.

‘These Aborigines have got too much already, mate,’ Ignorance said. ‘We’ve been throwing money at them for years, and it’s made no difference.’

‘And you know this how?’ Knowledge asked.

‘It’s common Knowledge on social media, mate!’ Ignorance replied.

‘I doubt it,’ Knowledge said. ‘I rarely appear on social media.’

‘Well, I read on Bumbook that the Aborigines have a secret plan to take over the country and enslave us all as revenge for what our mob did to them in colonial times,’ Ignorance said. ‘This VOICE thing is like a Trojan Horse at our gate, mate. If we let that horse in, then out the Aborigines will come to put us in chains!’

‘So, 3% of the population is going to enslave 97% of the population,’ Knowledge observed.

‘That’s what everybody on Bumbook reckons,’ Ignorance nodded, and then he winked, ‘so I’m voting NO to that horse, mate!’

‘So, fear is deciding your vote rather than courage,’ Knowledge suggested.

‘Like I’d fear a bunch of Aborigines,’ Ignorance reared like a spider. ‘What do you take me for, mate?’



                                                                                                                                    Copyright Paul F Walsh 2023