Close Encounters



Paul F Walsh



Ignorance was walking down the street when he met Knowledge.

‘We’re going to win,’ Ignorance said.

‘If you win, we all lose,’ Knowledge replied.

‘Now don’t be like that,’ Ignorance said. ‘We need you YES people to do the right thing and give the Aborigines a Voice once we win the referendum. You can’t just take your bat and ball and go home, you know. Somebody has to give the Aborigines a way to be heard, mate. I mean, it’s only fair!’

‘And what will you NO people be doing?’ Knowledge asked.

‘Nothing,’ Ignorance replied. ‘You can’t expect us to do everything. We’ll be resting up at home recovering from our big win at the referendum.’

‘So, you’re taking your bat and ball and going home?’ Knowledge challenged.

‘No, mate, I never left home,’ Ignorance said.

‘Well, you left home to come walking down the street to meet me,’ Knowledge advised.

‘No, I never,’ Ignorance said. ‘That’s the trouble with you YES people, mate. You believe everything you see! And you’re watching the wrong channel, mate. If you want to sleep-walk your way through life like I do; for God’s sake, don’t watch Woke TV.’




                                                                                                                                    Copyright Paul F Walsh 2023